Talk to Girl Scouts of Trace

November 3, 2007

These pictures were taken by Don Gutridge. Here's what he had to say about the event:

THANK YOU to Jessica Panzer, Peter Ballard, Marilyn Dash, Andrew Connelly, and Jacquie B Warda for doing an outstanding job sharing your love of aviation through your story with the Girl Scouts of Tracy Troop 9__. I’ve done many events with kids over the years, and I’ve never before seen such engagement with this audience. Usually it’s a big question mark whether they’ll come up with any questions, but with what you did it seemed like the questions would never stop. Each of you engaged those young minds in the subject and stimulated questions just like the pros do it. Then when Jessica and Jacquie did the aerobatic flight demonstrations I wish you could have been on the ground to hear the cheers which could be heard all the way across to the other side of runway 30. It sounded like your local Friday night football cheerleading section every time a touchdown is made. Organizer Russell Jessen called the event a Great success. You truly made an impact on those young lives and every IAC38er would be proud of your representation of the character of our chapter and your demonstration of the power of positive role models on our youth and future generations.

Well done.

Celebrate Wings On Dreams,

Don Gutridge

Jessica Panzer

Peter Ballard

Marilyn Dash

Jacquie B Warda

Jacquie showing her plane

Andrew showing his place

